And guests

In Concert

Presented by Formas de Audio en Movimiento


Date: Friday, Sep 27 2024

Place: Carol Theater (8600 Westpark Dr STE 116, Houston, TX 77063)

Time: 8:00 PM

Admission: $25

Nahuel in Concert


Who is and has been this extraordinary artist:

A guitarist, singer, actor, composer, and performer from Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fe, Argentina, now residing in Mexico.

He was the guitarist for the Uruguayan singer Alfredo Zitarrosa.

He is the author of songs such as “Será posible el sur,” “Y la milonga lo sabe,” and “Pájaro de rodillas,” which were recorded by Mercedes Sosa and Lilia Vera. “Vienen cantando” was recorded by Carlos Díaz “Caíto” and the duo Mexicanto. “Mortal Capricho” was recorded by Florencia Suárez.

With José Carbajal, “El Sabalero,” from Uruguay, he recorded “La flota.”

With Carlos and Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy from Nicaragua, he participated in the Canto Épico.

He worked alongside Amparo Ochoa, Guadalupe Pineda, Caíto Díaz, Delfor Sombra, among others.

With Maestro Oscar Chávez, he produced and recorded “Canciones de la guerra civil española,” “Los tangos prohibidos,” “Se vende mi país,” “No acabarán mis cantos.”

He has several solo albums with his own songs and musicalized poetry. He has made musical arrangements for other singers, such as Tania Libertad, Oscar Chávez, Eugenia León, Armando Manzanero, Lilia Vera, Cecilia Todd, Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy, Guillermo Velázquez, Jep Cardona, Florencia Suárez, Juan Muñiz, among others.

He has participated in countless New Song Festivals in Latin America, the United States, Spain, South Korea, Norway, and Sweden.

In 2006, he was invited by the great Mercedes Sosa on her tour of Mexico, and in January 2007, at the Cosquín Festival in Argentina, he also accompanied the “Negra Sosa” with his song “Pájaro de rodillas,” with lyrics by Alfredo Zitarrosa.

He was part of the theater group of the renowned actress Ofelia Medina in the play “Cada quién su Frida,” on tour in Spain, Denmark, and Mexico.

In January 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, he participated in the National Festival of Cosquín, Córdoba, Argentina, one of the most important events of popular song in Latin America, as well as in the Poets’ Gathering in the same city.

In 2014, he released his latest work called “Con el alma dividida,” featuring his own songs and musicalized poems with guests like Franco Luciani, Francisco Romero, Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy, Ignacio Copani, Juan Muñiz, Diego Rolón, and Jorge Boccanegra. With this material, he continued touring various places in Argentina such as La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro, Tucumán, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Buenos Aires, and also in his country of residence, Mexico.

In March 2016, he participated in an emotional concert marking 40 years of Latin American exile in Mexico, in the iconic Zócalo before about 5,000 people, sharing the stage with artists like Eugenia León, Delfor Sombra, Daniel Viglietti, Los Folkloristas, Hebe Rosell, among others.

De Canto y Perfil

(Guest musicians)

De Canto y Perfil is a duo of musicians who are passionate about the folklore of Ibero-America, from Mexico to Argentina. The Mexican artists Juan Antonio de los Ángeles – vocals and guitar, and Ana Cantú – vocals and major and minor percussion, make up this duo, which began in 2010.

Juan also performs solo with both his own songs and those of others. He began his journey in popular music in 1974. Both as a duo and individually, Juan and Ana occasionally accompany other artists in various cultural presentations that involve an artistic proposal.

Presented by

Formas de Audio en Movimiento


Formas de Audio en Movimiento is a voluntary and community-based group of radio broadcasters and producers founded in 2000 by Juan Antonio de los Ángeles and Ana Cantú in Austin, TX. They create and broadcast cultural radio content in Spanish in collaboration with various digital and conventional radio stations in several countries around the world. Their mission is to spread the diverse expressions of the peoples who inhabit the American continent, from the Bravo to Patagonia and its islands.

Formas de Audio en Movimiento also engages in cultural management to organize artistic events with a focus on music, singing, poetry, and theater in the Spanish language.

Presented at Carol Theater

Carol Theater


Carol Theater is pleased to open its doors to production by Formas de Audio en Movimiento with the Nahuel and Guests Concert

The new Carol Theater (Centro de Artes Regional Orgullo Latino) is located at 8600 Westpark Dr, STE 116, Houston, TX 77063.

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